New church building dedicated in Fiji

Fiji Mission president Pastor Nasoni Lutunaliwa cutting the ribbon at the opening ceremony.

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The Saivou Central Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ra Province, Fiji, was officially opened and dedicated on September 29 by Fiji Mission president Pastor Nasoni Lutunaliwa. Located alongside the Kings Highway, the new church—which can hold more than 200 people—is a landmark for those passing by. The opening was attended by hundreds of church members and donors who contributed towards the project.

“Such vision and commitment by church members is commendable and we can only praise God for blessing His church,” said Pastor Lutunaliwa.

Of those in attendance were Epeli Nagase Nawaite and his wife Lucy, who were accompanied by Rachel Peugh, Donna and Bob Lombard from Sebastopol Seventh-day Adventist Church in California, United States. They were instrumental in the planning and construction of the church building, which started in 2010.

“The completion of the church building is also a testament of the sacrifice and unity of local church members, ministers and the donors who gave so much for the project,” said Pastor Lutunaliwa.

“The work of God will and can be accomplished in greater heights when men and women unite their efforts with God in these last days,” he added.

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