Ninety-eight participants from around the South Pacific Division (SPD) took part in a dynamic, interactive online leadership program earlier this month.
The GLI Leadlab Launch, a pilot program, was held over four mornings from September 6-9. It was facilitated by Dr Erich Baumgartner and Dr Randy Siebold, director and associate director of the Global Leadership Institute of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Topics focused on issues for SPD leaders including professional identity, strategic growth planning, team growth, cross-cultural leadership, and mission and strategic innovation.
The sessions were informative, insightful and spiritually based, with participants representing the SPD office, unions, conferences, missions, educational institutions and entities. After each session, small breakout groups provided participants with the opportunity to share ideas and discuss the concepts.
Fiji Mission president Pastor Nasoni Lutunaliwa expressed his appreciation for the program. “The Leadlab training has been helpful in many ways,” he said. “I have been challenged, affirmed, motivated and encouraged to do more in my role in discipling people for the Lord Jesus. So thankful for the SPD in supporting us.”
Avondale University lecturer Dr Sherry Hattingh said, “Thank you for organising the Leadlab. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and learnt so much.”
Some participants will now take up the opportunity to further develop their leadership skills and gain formal certificate qualifications through the GLI Leadlab Forward program that will be presented by Dr Baumgartner and Dr Siebold in association with Andrews University.