An Australian book for young readers is making an impact as a sharing book in Romania. Signs Publishing launched The Perfect Lamb by David Edgren in 2013. As the author explains it, the book is aimed at readers aged six to 10 and is “a short story about one day in the epic narrative of God’s love, sacrifice and redemption—the day of Christ’s death. Specifically, it shows children that Jesus gives us joy and life through His willing death.”

Viața și Sănătate—the Seventh-day Adventist publishing house in Romania—has distributed 30,000 copies of the Romanian edition, Mielul fără cusur, as the Romanian church’s “Children’s Book of the Year.” “It was a pleasant surprise for us that the church would take on this book in this way,” reported editor in chief, Dr Adrian Neagu. He shared stories of the book being shared in public schools and said that “the reactions have been very good.”
Dr Neagu expressed his gratitude for working with Signs Publishing, with work now underway to translate Mr Edgren’s recent book—Just Believe—for publication and distribution in the same way over the next year.
“It’s truly amazing to see what God can do with a simple story!” says Mr Edgren. “I hope my little books help many young people come to life in Jesus.”
Books by David Edgren are available at Adventist bookshops in Australia and New Zealand, or online.