More than 1000 copies of Steps to Christ distributed in WA

Young literature evangelists led by Rachael and Caleb (left), coordinated by Paul Bodor (right).

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A group of 10 young people aged 18 to 25, joined the Youth and Student Literature Evangelism program in the Western Australian Conference (WAC). During two weeks in January, the young evangelists worked together in Bunbury, Manjimup and Harvey, where they went from door to door selling books for a donation. From January 3 to 18, the group distributed 1746 books, from which more than 1000 were copies of Steps to Christ

Literature Ministry coordinator for Australia and New Zealand, Brenton Lowe, explains that the program’s primary purpose is to engage young people in discipleship and sharing their faith.  They develop people skills as they serve in mission in their own backyard. 

Literature evangelism, fundamental for the development of the Adventist church in Australia, is still a relevant outreach method.

“The first church in WA was established through literature evangelists selling books. And it still continues to be a simple way that people share their faith,” said Mr Lowe.

With experience in canvassing, Rachael Lowe and Caleb Hodgkinson were the two young leaders of the group. They both have full-time jobs but found a way to pass on their experience to the others. “I love canvassing. This program helped me to see a dream become a reality—of being able to allow other young people to experience what I love to do,” said Ms Lowe.  

During the two weeks that Ms Lowe led the project, she was amazed by how God led in numerous circumstances. “It was incredible seeing God’s clear providence, leading every one of them to meet the right people and give them the right books at the right time, and to say the right words,” she said.

The young people shared many stories of knocking on the door of someone that was already expecting them and bought a book. “There were so many incredible experiences that they couldn’t wait for testimony time to share what happened during the day,” said Mr Hodgkinson.

Through visitations, prayers and distributed books, the young literature evangelists brought hope to numerous people, but also grew personally. “I love how the program made people blossom,” said Paul Bodor, WAC Literature Ministry leader and coordinator of the program. “It’s not just us blessing the community with good books, but the people doing the work grow in it as well. I really appreciated seeing personal journeys and personal growth in people’s walk with God.”

According to Brenton Lowe, future plans include expanding the program to other conferences in Australia, to engage more young people in literature ministry.

“You don’t need to be a preacher. You just need to be a friend and open to sharing a piece of literature and continue being their friend while the book speaks hope into their hearts,” said Mr Lowe.

If you want to learn more about Literature Ministry or get involved, click here.

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