Fulton College (Fiji) held a special day of prayer and fasting on Sabbath, February 16.
At the Sabeto campus, staff and students met for a communion consecration service as Sabbath began on the Friday night.
“Hearts were drawn to acknowledge and commit themselves and the new academic year to the power given of the gift to all of Jesus, to live out a successful year,” Trans Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) prayer ministry coordinator Anne Norman said.

Staff and students met again at 7am on Sabbath for a prayer walk that involved prayer stations at various locations around the campus.
“This experience was well received and the Lord held off the rain. It ended with prayer at the administration block before cultural Sabbath School classes,” Mrs Norman said.
TPUM president Pastor Maveni Kaufononga then shared a special message, challenging all to keep the communication line open to God through prayer.
“In the afternoon a small group met for a season of prayer focusing on specific needs of both Fulton sites [including the old campus site at Tailevu],” Mrs Norman said.
“All in all the Holy Spirit was felt to be present and blessed our prayer experience.”