Adventist school raises funds for Open Heart International

OHI general manager Michael Were (second from right) and Central Coast Adventist School students toast their recent fundraising success.

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More than $A1200 has been raised for not-for-profit medical charity Open Heart International (OHI) as a result of a Year 11 Business Studies assignment.

Students in the Year 11 Business Studies class at Central Coast Adventist School (CCAS) were given an assignment on running a business. They needed to establish a business and marketing plan, and then execute it. The students decided to run a lunchtime café at the school during August and chose to donate their proceeds to OHI.

“We greatly appreciated being chosen as their charity, and being involved with the Business Studies class,” said OHI general manager Michael Were. “They are an amazing group of young people. We loved watching their business came to life. Thank you to the entire CCAS community that got behind the café and supported it.”

The monies raised will be used by OHI to fund the costs of cardiac operations in the Pacific.

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