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(Photo: Adventist Mission)

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Mission Spotlight videos can now be downloaded or played directly from a website, making them easier to access and share at Sabbath school.

Traditionally played via a DVD (and before that VHS tape, and slides), the videos are all online at the Adventist Mission website (am.adventistmission.org). They are easy to access and download.

“The clips report on past projects that you have supported through your Sabbath School offerings,” said Dr Graeme Humble, South Pacific Division’s Adventist Mission director and field secretary. “They also profile current mission needs that invite your support for the future. As your teacher said, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’ One Mission Spotlight video is worth a thousand readings of the Mission Quarterly!

“The Mission Spotlight videos broaden our horizons with a global view of Adventist Mission in your Church. Travel with the Adventist Mission team each week to a different corner of the world.”

The website is not only the home of mission videos but is also a hub for other mission resources, such as the Mission 360° magazine and Mission Quarterly stories.

Dr Humble believes that having local SPD churches aware of some of the broader things happening in mission around the world benefits everyone. “Many churches become focused on their own needs. As the church looks at international mission, it also thrives locally. We need the reminder of international mission to lift our sights and remember those who have other needs, not just on those in our communities, although they are important, but those around the world who are far worse off than we are.”

However, Adventist Mission provides more than just offering updates. The website contains places to connect with projects on a more personal level, for example, via missionary blogs. Churches can seek to adopt other Sabbath school or Pathfinder groups, write letters of encouragement and provide for other needs, by exploring web addresses of contacts in the last page of the online Mission Quarterly.

Dr Humble, himself a career missionary, acknowledges that while mission has changed there are still mission opportunities through Adventist Volunteers, ADRA trips and specialty career vacancies, such as aircraft engineers, pilots, lecturers, project managers and administrators.

Adventist Mission also runs ministries to special people groups such as other religions, mission to cities and post-modern secular resources.

“This means that people interested in a particular ministry can register and get specific, in-depth material and resources for their own personal ministry passion,” Dr Humble said.

“Become a partner in God’s leading in mission!”

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