The Bisiatabu District of Central Papua Conference (CPC) opened a new Adventist Book Centre (ABC) on June 5 at the new District office.
A short devotion taken by general secretary Pastor Rex Koi and singing by the Bisiatabu Primary School students supplemented the keynote address from CPC’s chief financial officer and ABC manager Max Lassah.
To signify the importance of the publishing work, Mr Lassah highlighted God’s providential leading in the publishing ministry through Adventist history.
The literature work in PNG began in 1989. The first ABC opened at Ela Beach in 1996 and another shop was later added at Boroko.

The new Bisiatabu District ABC is the first shop outside of Port Moresby. The ABC is self-sustaining, operating on the margins it makes from sales without financial support from the Conference.
During the opening ceremony, National Capital District director, Pastor Gibson Lohia, offered the dedicatory prayer for the new ABC room, the bookshop assistant Cathy Boski and the District director Pastor Miller Kuso.
As Conference president Pastor Kove Tau cut the ribbon to officially open the shop, he announced the Conference’s plan to set up similar ABCs in other districts such as Korela.
Mission workers, students, members and the public also attended the celebrations.
Bisiatabu is the site of Papua New Guinea’s first Seventh-day Adventist mission station, set up in 1908. This year marks 110 years of Adventism at the site.