Mount Diamond Seventh-day Adventist Secondary School outside of Port Moresby ended its Spiritual emphasis week on February 17 with a baptism of six students and a further 33 who made personal commitments to be baptised.
The theme for the spiritual emphasis week was “Young People and Their Purpose” and the guest speaker was the Central Papua Conference (CPC) Youth director Pastor John Nebare.
On the Sabbath, Pastor Kadasa Damaro preached a unique message on the identity that students can find in Christ. Accompanied by retired pastor Kiroki Aruna, both ministers officiated a truly moving baptismal ceremony.

One of those baptised was Mahlon Farari, originally from Kokoda in Oro Province, who having given up on schooling for more than five years and being involved in worldly pursuits including criminal activities in Port Moresby, decided to return to school. As he attended the nights of the worships, he decided to affirm his faith and showed gratitude to God for giving him another chance at school despite his long years of absence.
He expressed great joy in accepting Christ as his Saviour and cannot think of anything more than making a new start in life.

Discipleship making has become a serious undertaking in the schools around the Conference. Education director Peter Iga, who was present to witness the special occasion, remarked, “the principle behind running (Adventist) schools is to see students give their lives to Christ. Then it’s worth running a school like Mt Diamond.”
“We offer Christ to the students, to the people so that they too can offer service to God and man,” Mr Iga said.
As Mount Diamond and other schools in the Conference begin the New Year, the administration and Conference leaders ask that all our church members remember them in their prayers as they continue educating and making disciples for eternity.