Outgoing ADRA Australia CEO Mark Webster has received a prestigious award from the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), the peak body for the NGO sector in Australia.
Each year at its national conference, ACFID presents the Outstanding Contribution to the Sector Award to an individual or organisation that has made an outstanding contribution to the Australian aid and development NGO sector over an extended period of time. The award also recognises individuals who value voluntarism and contributions above and beyond paid employment.
On presenting the award, ACFID’s outgoing president Sam Mostyn paid tribute to Mr Webster’s legacy.
“Generosity and a spirit of partnership have been hallmarks of Mark’s outstanding contribution to Australia’s aid and development sector,” Ms Mostyn said.
Mr Webster was recognised for his work on ACFID’s Development Practice Committee, through which he made “invaluable contributions” to the development of tools and workshops for learning and development across the sector.
“In his role on the Committee of Development Cooperation, his engagement has led to positive outcomes for the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) during a tumultuous period of cuts to aid,” Ms Mostyn said.
He was also honoured for his work as chair of the Church Agencies Network and as a founding member of the Church Agency Network Disaster Operations (CANDO).
“Mark has taken on a long list of responsibilities to the benefit of others and in doing so has demonstrated great integrity, leadership and positivity,” Ms Mostyn said.
“On behalf of the sector, I would like to congratulate Mark and thank him for his tireless work.”

Mr Webster paid tribute to the staff at ADRA Australia upon receiving the award.
“I’m very honoured and humbled to receive an award that highlights the value of volunteer service, which is such a central part of the work that we do at ADRA Australia,” he said.
“This reward reflects mostly on the competence and tolerance of the whole ADRA Australia team for allowing me the time and space to volunteer my time to ACFID over the past six years.”
Beth Morrow is an intern at ADRA Australia.