Community service highlight of Adventist Week

Kenneth Diru and Boredoa Adventist men repairing Lako Bridge.

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Seventh-day Adventists in Korela District, Central Papua Conference (CPC), Papua New Guinea, celebrated Adventist Week 2017 in a special way.

The theme of Adventist Week (October 15 -22) was “Who are Seventh-day Adventists?” Church members were encouraged to intentionally share their identity and mission with the community.

Under the leadership of District director Pastor Excel Geno, churches were mobilised to display Adventist identity and mission through active community service. Adventist men from Boredoa, led by Kenneth Diru, sourced timber and fixed major damaged sections of Lako Bridge on the Magi Highway. Their work was greatly appreciated by the community.

Wanigela church members—not deterred by a heavy downpour—were at the forefront of fixing their main wharf. They also started building a new church at Waiori village, a new work area in Korela District.

The evenings were filled with Bible study on the sanctuary message. At the close of Adventist Week, many people gathered at Adventist churches throughout the district to watch the Ellen White film Tell the World.

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