A special edition magazine has been published by Adventist Media to highlight The Table, a weekly women’s panel TV show that began airing on YouTube and Hope Channel in February.
At the Table reprises a number of segments in printed form, including tips on dealing with loneliness, plant-based recipes, workouts and a diary of a first-time mum. “We want to touch on the concerns that everyday women have—post-natal depression, struggles with perfectionism and how much screen time their children should have,” said magazine editor Vania Chew. “We’ve already had significant feedback, thanking us for addressing topics many people find hard to talk about.”
Attendees at the North New South Wales Conference Big Camp at Stuarts Point welcomed the arrival of At the Table, which was accompanied by free balloons for children, handed out during the Super Sunday ministry expo event on April 16.
Copies of the magazine are available to churches running ministries for young families such as playgroups. Email vaniachew@adventistmedia.org.au.