As a new year of broadcasting begins at Hope Channel New Zealand, the organisation has also had a change of leadership. Dr Brad Kemp has stepped down as the manager, with Neale Schofield, former CEO of Adventist Media, accepting the role.
Hope Channel New Zealand will continue to broadcast to every home in the country, thanks to the generous offerings and donations that have enabled them to extend their broadcasting services contract for another 12 months.
This funding has come from various levels—the world Church, the North New Zealand Conference and local churches across the country.
Hope Channel was one of the beneficiaries of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering in the second quarter of 2016 and received almost $NZ390,000 to produce local programs. The funds have been used to purchase equipment and a number of local programs are currently in pre-production.
“A big thank you to the world Church and each of you for your generosity,” said Dr Kemp, president of the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference and former manager of Hope Channel. “You are making a difference.”

He also thanked the executive committee of the North New Zealand Conference for their decision to increase their annual contribution toward the running of Hope Channel to $NZ150,000 per annum.
Even the local churches have played a significant part in the continuation of Hope Channel’s broadcasts.
“We have seen every church across New Zealand pitch in and help Hope Channel,” said assistant manager Pastor Paul Hopson. In 2015, the November offering contributed by New Zealand churches was approximately $NZ45,000. The November 2016 offering was promoted as going to Hope Channel and saw a substantial increase to $NZ67,127.
“Thank you for getting behind Hope Channel and helping us achieve the goal of staying on air and reaching New Zealand with the gospel,” Pastor Hopson said.