‘First Friday’ inspires with stories and songs

Dr Schubert in the San chapel.

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Sydney Adventist Hospital is encouraging people to pause, catch their breath and be inspired by stories of healing.

The hospital has introduced “First Friday”, a special evening service for patients, staff and the wider community presented on the first Friday of the month in the San chapel.

It features stories of healing—both personal and biblical—music and prayer, and is livestreamed so that patients unable to get to the chapel can watch it from the comfort of their rooms.

Adventist HealthCare’s Mission and Culture director Dr Branimir Schubert likened “First Friday” to his smart watch, which measures steps and breathing. If the watch detects that he’s feeling tense it buzzes him with a message to take a break.

“First Friday is just like this device: we are sensitive to this divine ‘buzz’ and the message that says, ‘Your week has been long and stressful, you are tense . . . time to take a deep breath, time to take a break.’”

While the service draws attention to the benefits of Sabbath rest, Dr Schubert said it’s not about preaching.

“In a sense it’s just a visible demonstration of some of our core values and commitment to the overall mission of the hospital,” he said.

It has also opened the door for establishing closer connections between the hospital and the wider Adventist community, with local churches being invited to provide the music each month.

The next “First Friday” will be held on Friday, April 7, at 6.45pm for 7pm. All welcome.

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