Tag: church leadership
Understanding that church leadership is temporary deepens our commitment and trust in God's plan.
How can local churches support them and love ministry spouses?
I am a pastor who is blessed to be married to the most wonderful woman I have ever known. But I have a secret.
Dr Michael Campbell is an Adventist historian, prolific author and direct of Archives, Statistics and Research for the North American Division, based in Columbia, Maryland.
Supporting education and future leaders in the South Pacific is a crucial need, with many worthy projects and individuals seeking sponsorships.
We need to get over our fear and tackle some of these issues head-on if we are to make an impact for eternity, especially for our young people.
From 9/11's brutal impact to confronting the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South Pacific, 2000-2005 were years of challenges. Amid global tragedies, the Church provided hope, innovative healthcare and community support.
Our pastors carry an incredible weight that each of us will never truly understand.