Young and old, and you and I . . . all of us, need iodine.
Tag: children
How one small Adventist church is making a difference in the lives of children through Bibles and education.
The three days were a highlight for family and children's ministry leaders from across the South Pacific.
For Melody Tan, life isn't "richer" or "complete" because she has a child. It's simply different.
Braden Blyde says it's time to begin breaking down the walls of church—the physical and chronological, and even the theoretical ones too. (Fundamental Belief #12)
"Our children and vulnerable people, more than ever, need our Church community to surround and support them."
Around 80 delegates from Australia attended the Youth Engagement Summit to talk about how the Adventist Church can keep young people engaged and active in the faith.
Latest research suggests only 5 per cent of young children (18 months) are eating their recommended daily intake of vegetables.
God's call to stay is often harder to accept than His call to leave.
Val Mayhew is a name largely unknown, unsung and unhonoured, yet her gift was in daily use by hundreds of thousands of potential church members for more than 40 years.