We often say that church is a home, and we use the words “church family”, but I wonder if we really take that to heart.
Tag: belonging
We have a permanent place waiting for us where we will belong for all of eternity.
As a child, attending church was a regular part of my life. However, I often struggled to find a place where I truly belonged.
Have you ever considered that in our desire to belong, to be accepted, we can set up some rather exclusive barriers?
"Happy" Sabbath? Hardly. The fact is going to church on a Sabbath morning can be a very harrowing experience.
Thoughts on young people leaving the Church.
Ten thousand steps can impact your health. A small walk in church, however, can impact a life.
Pastor Brad Kemp sheds some light on a significant problem in our churches: "people blindness".
Challenging overseas professional experiences fostering a sense of freedom and belonging lead to better learning for pre-service teachers, research by an Avondale lecturer shows.