A NAIDOC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministries (ATSIM) regional created a safe space for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to fellowship, worship and celebrate First Nations peoples.
Based in a predominantly Indigenous town (61.4 per cent), Brewarrina church is offering programs and support to meet the community's needs.
The decision comes after Queensland state premier Steven Miles declared a "serious weather emergency" due to extreme weather conditions caused by ex-tropical cyclone Jasper.
ATSIM leaders from across Australia gathered for workshops in leadership development training, followed by community presentations in collaboration with Messages of Hope International (MOHIM).
Students and staff at Mamarapha College will now have their stories shared across Australia, courtesy of a new radio studio on campus.
Seminary students attending an on-campus symposium at Avondale University have learnt about crossing cultures for mission and committed to addressing injustices of race and racism.
Church leaders are calling for unity and prayer.
The theme for this year's camp was “Connect” and campers had the opportunity to connect through various activities and workshops.
The nine baptisms and one profession of faith were the result of ongoing ministry over the past six years, supported through Global Mission funds.