ADRA Vanuatu recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Vanuatu Skills Partnership which will bring family life education to inmates and parolees at the correctional centre and clients at Elang Family Support Services Centre.
Category: News
Participants were impressed by the number of people present, most of whom had their lives impacted by the Adventist education system.
Adsafe in collaboration with Adventist Media have created a video to increase awareness about abuse and its impact within the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s organisational context.
Deputy minister for youth affairs Tui Dakua is one of several Adventist politicians serving in the Fijian parliament.
Greg Young is an experienced disaster response leader, but his time in Ukraine was full of challenging and emotional situations.
"Abuse of power affects both men and women. It’s a discussion we need to have as a church." An online summit is being held this Friday night (August 26) on the eve of enditnow Emphasis Day.
Closed for more than a year after Tropical Cyclone Yasa damaged its hall in December 2020, the Deuba Campground in Fiji was reopened on August 14, with Fiji Mission president Pastor Nasoni Lutunaliwa officiating the dedication ceremony.
The Australian Union Conference Executive Committee has appointed Dr Jean Carter as national director of Adventist Education, commencing in January 2023.
Both students have been doing Bible studies since the beginning of 2022.