Following a 14-year partnership with Mongolia, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia will now turn its attention to the countries of Laos and Timor-Leste.
Category: News
Children’s pastor and singer/songwriter receive Manifest’s most prestigious award.
Two Adventist pastors were on the final shortlist of Vanuatu's 16 presidential candidates.
Sanitarium has pledged to donate up to one million serves of Weet-Bix during the month of July as part of the Foodbank Shop & Share campaign.
An overwhelming number of students at Avondale continue to express satisfaction with the quality of their higher education experience, results from a national survey show.
The chief financial officer of the Adventist Church in the Eastern Highlands Simbu region, PNG, Mr Joshua Wambillie, died after suffering a cardiac arrest on June 23.
The current Western Australian Conference president replaces Pastor Michael Worker, who has been called to the Australian Union Conference.
Avondale returns to its roots with a rebranded appeal that uses a phrase from founder Ellen White to seek support for research that improves lives.
In what promises to be a unique event, and possibly a first for the South Pacific Division, a presenter who cannot hear or speak will be the featured “speaker” at a fellowship camp.
A weather setback could not dampen the spirits of the Auckland churches involved in the ICAN58 community outreach initiative.