In many ways, Truths to Live By is a book of devotionals—with a twist.
Category: Faith
Paddy Cannon is significant in Australian Adventist Church history as reportedly the first Indigenous Australian to be ordained as a local church elder.
Only heaven can know the result of this: How many people have been helped by paying forward?
Mildura is quite an isolated area where a number of individuals are facing economic hardships, particularly in light of the cost-of-living crisis.
This is the question that Victoria Derbyshire asks herself in a book titled Reconstruction.
Imagine believing that you were ready and yet being ignorant of the fact that you were not!
“When we first became Christians some of our friends called us crazy. Now they worship with us."
It is through the lens of a deeper relationship with Jesus that The Difference a Day Makes explores the blessing and sanctification of the Sabbath.