Category: Faith
A visit to the Garden of Gethsemane, gives us a glimpse into what Easter really means and the stakes of what hung in the balance.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Caledonia recently celebrated five baptisms in their church plant in Tomo. Pastor Hatsar Venkaya writes on the impact the church plant is having in the community.
In the hills south-east of Perth, there is humble little Bible college that has made a huge impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministries (ATSIM) work across Australia over the past 25 years.
We tend to moralise or shut down discussions about sex fearing it will lead to bad choices, but the church should be at the forefront, presenting a good biblical understanding and sexual ethic.
According to Scripture, thrilling things happened when Jesus, the prophets or the disciples visited in people’s homes.
Since the arrival of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific, singing and musical expression have been considered essential components of the worship experiences of its people.
You and I have a special role to fill so the church can prosper. As the body needs hands, ears, feet and eyes, the body needs pastors, teachers, support people and prayer warriors.
Leviticus is a type of handbook which provides us with insights into the rituals of the sanctuary. Yet in spite of the detailed instructions, the only thing we are told that pleased God was the aroma of the burnt sacrifice. Is God really that fond of the smell of burning flesh and grain?