The goals of Mission Refocus include launching 20 projects with 200 long-term volunteers and 2000 short-term mission trip participants.
Author: Tracey Bridcutt
"We acknowledge your dedication, passion, tenacity and courage that has made a significant and incredible contribution to the mission of the Church across the world for the last 65 years."
The meetings will further solidify the partnership between the SPD and the Southern Asia-Pacific Division—the SPD's closest neighbour.
More than 12,000 people have already flocked to cinemas to see this uplifting story, which has deeply resonated with viewers.
Just over $A2000 was raised at a 10,000 Toes barbecue fundraiser held last week on the grounds of Sydney Adventist Hospital.
The plan’s goals are organised under four strategic priorities: Communion with God, Identity in Christ, Unity through the Holy Spirit, and Mission for All.
Excitement is building for the public release of The Hopeful this Thursday, October 17.
Not only did the activity encourage fun and fitness, it also enabled church members to actively engage with curious onlookers in the crowd.
The $A85 million project aims to replace outdated student housing with a modern facility.
Pathfinder clubs are encouraged to organise a group outing and watch the film together.