More than 65,000 copies of a new sharing book will be delivered to people in communities around Australia and New Zealand in coming weeks.
Author: Nathan Brown
Dr Miguel Valdivia has served as a pastor and educator, and currently as vice president for Product Development at Pacific Press Publishing Association, based in Nampa, Idaho, USA. He spoke about his work and his recent books.
Podcaster, writer and Oxford University doctoral student Pastor Shawn Brace talks about his new book, The Table I Long For.
The millennium is vital to a correct understanding of the gospel and the great controversy, according to Pastor Peter Colquhoun, retired church administrator and author of The Cross and the Millennium, a new book from Signs Publishing.
Three books by Dr Peter Roennfeldt have offered ideas to churches and leaders through the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Dr Roennfeldt, the newest of these books “is even more relevant now than when first released as a free ebook in November last year.”
People notice. What people of faith, churches and faith-based organisations do matters. Jesus said so.
Among the various characters in the story of the birth of Jesus, I have a soft spot for the magi. I have imagined them as learned men who don’t fit with the more provincial characters in Jerusalem, but who are puzzled and disappointed by the unwitting ignorance and self-interested plotting they encounter.
Celebrating the best and most popular books of the year: This is your chance to discover your next great read—and perhaps to win one of the books on this list.
Presented as a personal story, The Table I Long For has a narrative momentum that carries the reader through the theological reflections about the nature of the church and mission in our communities today.