Do you have biblical blind spots? Is there clear Bible teaching you simply cannot see, or would rather not?
Author: Kent Kingston

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world," wrote poet William Yeats in 1919. A century later his grim foreboding is awfully resonant.
This Sabbath, August 25, every Adventist church in Australia and New Zealand will receive an extra batch of new-look Signs. Kent Kingston explains how you can use them to reach your community.
Jesus was naked on the cross. They never show that in the church-authorised depictions. It begs the question: have we Christians failed to recognise the radical nature of the jagged descent Jesus chose to make?
How do I open myself up to God so that He can restore in me the Spirit-led power of the early followers of the Way? And how does a worldwide denomination of 20 million worshippers participate together in this work of restoration? The answer is hinted at in the preamble to the Adventist Church’s official doctrinal statement, 28 Fundamental Beliefs.
The Trans-Pacific Union Mission has appointed new leaders for both its smallest and largest mission regions.
Community members from around Morisset and Cooranbong (NSW) have enthusiastically embraced Hillview Adventist Church’s annual Christmas night markets and nativity play.
Gaby Phillips, who heads up the NAD’s Adventist Muslim Relations department, was the keynote speaker for events held at Parramatta in Sydney, Maitland (NSW) and Plenty Valley in Melbourne during August.
Adventists have always stood for religious freedom but should we support a burqa ban in the interest of public safety?
Two Adventist pastors were on the final shortlist of Vanuatu's 16 presidential candidates.