Good sleep 

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Jesus warns His disciples not to be sleepy (Matthew 25:1-13). He calls us to be ready and on watch (Mark 13:32-37). The rest of the NT writers share similar sentiments (Romans 13:11; 1 Thessalonians 5:6,7). The context is usually about being ready for Jesus’ promised second coming to earth. His disciples are to be alert (Acts 20:31; Ephesians 6:18). We are to know what is going on in the world. We are not to forget Jesus by temptation and our sinful nature. We are not to prioritise matters of life that don’t really matter. We are to be alert to our personal environment. 

The irony is that for us to be less sleepy and more alert to spiritual matters and the things that can challenge our spirituality we need good sleep. Sleep is a precious commodity—the less we have, the less alert we are. During any given year I have up to 180 nights of sleep away from home. I sleep upright on planes and on pillows that feel more like Jacob’s stone pillow at Bethel (Genesis 28). I sleep on mattresses that are so thin I’m not sure they are there. Because of my schedule I get to bed late and have to rise very early. Some rooms are hot, others are cold, some have heating, others fans. Some places are quiet, others have street noise to all hours, others have nature’s sounds, others have cars, trucks, planes and trains—all impact on my sleep. Thankfully I’ve learnt to sleep in many and varied situations. However it’s hard to stay alert when sleep deprived, which happens more than I’d like. 

Recently the SPD Office gave all its staff a book on sleep as we want us all to be alert for the tasks of the day—including spiritual alertness. We discovered the best sleep happens if it is routine. It happens in the same bed, at the same time in the same way every evening. When travelling, having similar routines before sleep will help bring better sleep. Tips such as not watching blue screens (TVs, computers and phones) for an hour before bed will give a better sleep. A cooler room promotes better sleep.

Sleep is physically important as it gives the body a chance to restore itself and the brain time to reconfigure. Going without sleep for just one night gives a person the same alertness as someone who is inebriated. So, for us to be spiritually alert we need to sleep soundly. Here’s to a church that sleeps better.

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