New resource aims to tackle family violence year-round

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A new resource from the Adventist Church in Australia is providing guidance for dealing with domestic violence. An initiative of the Women’s and Family Ministries department, Breaking the Silence: Listen, Believe, Refer was released after the recent enditnow summit on August 23.

The booklet continues the discussion around family violence. 

Designed for teachers, parents, pastors and others who support individuals in challenging situations, the booklet covers topics such as child abuse, family violence, supporting victims of abuse and self-care for support people. It also contains a list of emergency contacts that can be utilised for further support. 

Women and family ministries director pastor Sylvia Mendez explained the importance of continuing the discussion. “It is important that we move beyond an enditnow emphasis day where we highlight this issue once a year and instead work together to raise awareness, provide training and support the whole year round,” she said. 

“Violence doesn’t only happen once a year and if we only discuss it once a year, we are failing at truly making a difference through the enditnow initiative,” added Pastor Mendez.

If you would like to provide feedback or join a focus group to help shape education and training around family violence, click this link to complete the survey.

For resources and information on enditnow emphasis day and to access the booklet online click here.

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