Lorima – Pohnpei:
I once mentored a student who passed away near the end of my first year here. After a heart-to-heart about his studies, I saw his improvement. Sadly, he died shortly after. It still pains me; I am determined to meet Shawn at the glassy seas and to tap him on the shoulder and tell him how proud I have always been of him.

Lia – Philippines:
Spending time with co-missionaries, we share cultures, food and stories while connecting online with contacts, praying and sharing encouragement. A special moment was comforting a newly divorced mother, relating through my own childhood experience. Through God‘s grace, we found peace, and I realised my past pain could help others find healing.

Laura – Denmark:
One of my most memorable moments in Denmark was at Denmark‘s Adventist Church camp. Despite cloudy skies, we were awakened at midnight to witness the breathtaking northern lights dancing above us on the beach. It was an incredible experience of worship and cultural exchange.

Elijah – Philippines:
Among my cherished memories here, the most special is our evangelism program in Negros Occidental. After six months of online outreach—praying, Zoom Bible studies and answering questions—the in-person meetings led to 27 baptisms.

Katherine – Byron Bay:
The moment that I realised that I was loving someone hard to love in my position and prayed to God to help me to love this person.

Daniella – Philippines:
Whilst in the mission field, I had the pleasure of meeting and forming a sisterhood with two beautiful ladies from different countries. We made a lot of memories together and built a bond that was strengthened through Christ. I am very grateful for the chance that God provided for us to meet and build the strong bond that we did.

Anne – Alice Springs:
One of the most impactful times was in Haasts Bluff with Nana Rossi. Her deep love for the community and everyone she met taught me what it means to embody Christian love. I cherish the lessons learned and will forever hold on to that experience.

Joy – Bangkok and New Zealand:
One cherished memory is when a child I worked with spoke English for the first time. Through interactive lessons, we broke barriers and built understanding. It‘s about transforming lives and opening doors to new opportunities through education.

Allyssa – Alice Springs:
In my two months in Alice Springs, I‘ve been busy with the daily bread run, except Saturdays, delivering free items from Coles and Woolworths to various communities. I‘m also involved in Bible studies every Monday and Thursday, grateful to assist Pastor David and support the church‘s ministry.
If you’re interested in serving for a year in mission overseas, email: carmenwynstra@adventist.org.au.
Please visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter through: volunteers.adventistchurch.com.
Rose Miranda works for the South Pacific Division as a marketing specialist and mission service and support.