Future people needs 

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Every couple of weeks I will have someone I have met on my travels around the South Pacific reach out to me asking to support a project or a person’s education.  Facebook, Messenger, Instagram or email—it comes in many and varied ways. The project could be a new church, a medical/health ministry, support for a women’s refuge or . . . (endless). In regard to people, it is always about supporting a volunteer or sponsoring a person’s school or university fees. There are many worthy projects and people who I hear about and I wish I could help them all. 

Projects within the church have a process that is based on building ownership at the local level—the local church, conference/mission and union are the entities that should be approached, and in that order. Those who are closest to what is going to happen in the project are the best to support with resources and referrals or requests for greater support.

When it comes to people seeking sponsorship for education, the formal church structure also has a plan. Sponsorship for basic degrees are the responsibility of the missions/conferences, masters level is for the union, and doctorates for the SPD.  We thank God for these entities that invest part of their budget in future leaders. 

However, the church entities around the SPD need more teachers, pastors, accountants and professionals than it can meet at this stage. We need to work together to find ways to sponsor more students in these vital areas. 

Once when I was a theology student at Avondale I received an anonymous gift in the mail for $500. I still do not know who sent it but was very grateful that the Lord provided it. At the PAU 40th celebrations I heard numerous alumni share how they received sponsorship and support from various people as answers to prayer so they could keep studying. They are now education directors, mission presidents, school bursars, nurse educators, business people who are investing in others . . . It was inspiring to hear how people in the past personally invested in certain people and what God has done with that investment.  

If you would like to invest in sponsorship of needy students throughout the SPD, please email TorikaLaweloa@adventist.org.au and we can put you in touch with needy students who could be our future church leaders.

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