“Pray for New Caledonia”

New Caledonia is in lockdown after recent riots.

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Adventists across the South Pacific are being urged to pray for New Caledonia as it remains locked down due to political unrest that has resulted in loss of life, serious injuries, looting and vandalism.

Fortunately, all church members are safe, and their homes and church properties have not been damaged, according to New Zealand Pacific Union Conference president Pastor Eddie Tupa’i.

“However, they are tired, stressed and tense because of the uncertainty of their safety and instability in the country,” he said. “They are doing what they can to support each other and their neighbours. They are regularly checking in on each other, sharing meals together and taking turns at looking after each other’s properties at night.”

Church ministry and services are being conducted virtually.

New Caledonia Mission president Pastor Felix Wadrobert was initially stranded on Wallis island where he had been visiting church members before the violence erupted. However, he has now been able to return to Noumea via a special military flight.

Pastors Eric Morohi and Nelson Kasso and five church members who participated in the PNG for Christ outreach remain in Sydney awaiting the reopening of Noumea airport. They are being cared for by leaders from the South Pacific Division.

“Pastor Felix has reported that the tension in the community has lessened a little, but it still remains,” Pastor Tupa’i said. “Movement in Noumea remains limited as French armed forces attempt to gain control of the rioters.

“Please pray and send messages of encouragement to our New Caledonia family. May the presence and witness of the body of Christ in New Caledonia, and in France, help to bring reconciliation and justice for all people of this beautiful Pacific nation.”

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