Nadelle Manners has been appointed the new chief financial officer of the Greater Sydney Conference (GSC)—one of several leadership appointments made at their 30th constituency meeting on August 27 and 28.
With more than 20 years of experience working in finance, Mrs Manners holds a certified practising accountant (CPA) qualification and is a current MBA candidate at Deakin University. She has also served alongside her husband, Travis, in pastoral ministry for the past 25 years. The couple has two adult children who are planning to undertake tertiary study in 2023.
“[We are] greatly looking forward to serving the Adventist Church in the Greater Sydney Conference region,” said the new CFO.
Mrs Manners will replace Colin Raymond, who recently announced his retirement saying, “I count it a real privilege to have served in this capacity for the past 18 months. It has been a wonderful experience with many highlights. An experience that I treasure and will never forget.”
Held at Mountain View Adventist College, the session allowed constituents to discuss and vote on important conference business as well as the administration for the next four years. GSC president Pastor Alban Matohiti and secretary Pastor Cheonneth Strickland were returned to their roles.
During the session, former South Pacific Division education director Ken Weslake was awarded the SPD Education Merit medallion for his years of service in Adventist Education. After 44 years in education, Mr Weslake and his wife Julie have gone to pastor the Adventist Church on Norfolk Island—incorporated into the GSC in 1959.
New Zealand Pacific Union Conference (NZPUC) Adventist Education director Dan Carrasco presented the medallion to Mr Weslake saying, “For many in the entities in which Ken Weslake has served, he exemplified leadership that says, ‘I know you can do it, and I will be beside you to support you.’ And what’s more, he would do it with wit, warmth and humility.
“The SPD’s Education Merit Medallion not only honours Ken but also honours the support of his wife Julie and their children. Ken acknowledges that the medallion represents a team effort and for those who know him, this team included his wife Julie and their children.”