New evangelistic series by Fijian youth receives overwhelming engagement

Young preacher Samu Koro sharing a message in Fijian.

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Youth preacher Samu Koro is attracting an unprecedented response from viewers tuning into his evangelistic program with Hope Channel Fiji, accumulating hundreds of thousands of views across different platforms.

The program, which has been running for five nights so far, is being broadcast on Hope TV and Hope Radio as well as Facebook and YouTube. Currently, each Facebook video alone has received 10 to 20 thousand views and more than 600 live viewers during peak periods.

John Tausere from Hope Channel Fiji says that that there has been an overwhelming number of phone calls and requests for prayer.

“We started to receive calls last night (May 24), which began halfway during Samu’s sermon and continued after the sermon until 11pm,” he explained. “Most of the callers wanted prayers and thanked and praised God for Samu’s powerful presentation. Interests have also requested study guides to Samu’s presentations.”

Mr Koro’s sermons are being broadcast in preparation for the Trans Pacific Union Mission’s pentecostal harvest in July.

The Hope Channel team has asked for prayers and support for Mr Koro, the technical equipment and the viewers who are watching and hearing his messages.

The programs, presented in Fijian, can be watched via the Hope Channel Fiji Facebook page.

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