Three churches from the South Queensland Conference (SQC) hosted and facilitated a ministry training event for their churches and those in the surrounding area.
The Harvest Community Church, Springwood Samoan Church and Browns Plains Samoan Church held the event to train, equip and empower lay members in the areas of preaching, Bible study and community engagement.
Lead pastor of the three churches Pastor Raymond Moaga said the purpose of the event was “to equip and empower each member of our local churches to take ownership of the sharing of the gospel. It was about learning the nuts and bolts of preaching and leading studies so that the load is shared and more people can be reached.”

For Sabbath afternoon and most of Sunday, more than 120 attendees heard presentations from Dr Erika Puni (Theology lecturer, Avondale University College), Sam Luteru (ADRA Logan) and Alele Vili (lay member). Members from other Adventist churches also attended.
The event was a partnership between the SQC, the local churches and Avondale University College.