A Papua New Guinea mother’s water ministry is making an impact in Port Moresby.
Esther Badia heads up a team of active volunteer youth workers in the Central Papuan Conference. Every week she fills up to a dozen 15L jerry cans from her house, and with the support of her husband and children and the youth workers, walks 7 kilometres to distribute water to people in Sabusa, a village with no access to clean water. It is one of many places in the area that this water ministry has opened doors to the gospel message.
An elderly man whose only son died a few years ago found solace and comfort in Esther’s kind act of supplying him with water. Recently, he offered his land for a new church to be built there. With the support of Joyce Koi, whose husband is the secretary for Central Papuan Conference, a makeshift shelter has been erected on the land to cater for the increasing number of new people coming to learn more about the gospel.
Fifteen of the young people in the village have joined the local Pathfinder club at Doromoku, and one of the first new converts to be baptised was Thomas. Up to 30 people are in the baptismal class and the number is steadily climbing.
Mrs Badia attends to them every Sabbath. With a local population of 3000 people and growing, the need to provide clean, safe drinking water is something that requires urgent attention from the Church.
“A good water supply project would be an entering wedge for the gospel to make real inroads into quenching the spiritual thirst of weary souls like Thomas and those who are preparing for baptism,” said Doromoku church elder Gabriel Selibu, who supports Mrs Badia with the ministry.