ADRA says ‘thank you’ to volunteers

Northern Australian Conference ADRA director Charlene Luzuk (far right) with friends helping out during the ADRA Appeal.

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The ADRA Appeal in October saw thousands of volunteers being compelled to serve in their local communities and to help people in need.

“We’re grateful to have so many incredible volunteers who generously give their time to make a difference in people’s lives,” said ADRA Australia CEO Paul Rubessa. “The funds raised in this year’s ADRA Appeal will help make amazing things happen for thousands of people in Australia and overseas. You, our donors and volunteers, do indeed make the world a better, brighter place. Thank you.”

Funds raised in traditional and unique ways by dedicated ADRA volunteers, like David Jones and Marguerette Phipps, play a huge part in making this possible.

“I’ve been volunteering for a number of years and I do it because I love it,” said Mr Jones, a retired teacher who raised $1200 for the ADRA Appeal this year. He believes in stepping out in faith to make a difference in people’s lives. “You’ve got to get out there in person and rattle the collection can!”

Mr Jones collects for the ADRA Appeal at the local Woolworths in Tahmoor in the Greater Sydney Conference, and has built up a rapport with people there. So much so that he’s been invited by the shopping centre manager to be their Santa Claus this year because of the relationships he has formed.

Mr Jones says people are responsive when he tells them how ADRA can have an impact on their lives.

“I share that ADRA is a registered charity, and then tell them that if there’s a natural disaster—such as the bushfire we had locally a few years ago—they can find emergency accommodation through ADRA’s Emergency Management service,” he said. “All of a sudden, you see people’s faces light up and they open their purses or wallets. They realise they might need us one day.”

Townsville City Church was one of 32 churches to participate in the ADRA Appeal this year in the Northern Australian Conference. They get creative to raise funds because October is one of the warmest months of the year in Townsville.

“We’re not a big church and a lot of our members find it too hot to go out,” said Ms Phipps, who organises the church’s ADRA Appeal work. “However, they come to the fundraising programs we run.”

The church hosts a trivia night, including a cake auction, every year.

“This year, we raised $781 through the trivia night and auction,” said Ms Phipps. “We do get community people who come along too, as people bring their friends.”

Whatever part you took in the ADRA Appeal, your time, efforts and creativity have a transformational impact in the lives of people in need. If you would like to donate, head to or call 1800 242 372.

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