More than 700 people from Bougainville Mission (Papua New Guinea) took part in a “Mission to Rotokas” Total Member Involvement initiative from October 7-14.
The Mission office was closed and field workers and their president, Pastor Andrew Opis, participated in four projects: the construction of a new staff house, maintenance work for the health centre, a new water storage tank and ventilated improved pit (VIP) toilets. They also got involved in a “bucket ministry”, distributing buckets of goods filled with various items, including Bibles, to the Ruruvu and Togarau villages. The communities were very excited and happy to receive the goods.
At the end of the week of activities, 24 people were baptised. “We kindly request for your prayers for the people of Rotokas in Wakunai District for a new church planting as a result of the TMI projects and new disciples who were baptised so they continue to make disciples for Christ,” Pastor Lenon Greson said.