Small group Bible studies are helping Kamba Adventist Church (Madang, Papua New Guinea) members successfully reach out to their community.
Church members have been using the Discovery Bible Reading method to lead small group studies every Tuesday and Thursday. This has created interest from people from all denominations who have requested visitations and further Bible studies.
Last Sabbath (September 22), the members organised to give away copies of the Great Controversy at Kamba Primary School in a special program that involved young people singing songs that uplifted Jesus. Madang Manus Mission president Pastor Garry Laukei presented a message on the great controversy between God and Satan. Thirty books were handed out.

As a result, four Kamba Primary School teachers who usually attend Sunday-keeping churches decided to attend the 11am worship service at Kamba Adventist Church to learn more about the truth and experience Adventist worship.
“There was great excitement as we experienced the power of the Holy Spirit bringing convictions to these teachers,” Kamba church communication leader Selve Warel said.
“Kamba church has seen that the only way to reach people is through Bible Discovery and giving of literature.”
The church is planning to give away copies of the Desire of Ages in November with an evangelistic meeting to be conducted by Pastor Laukei in December to conclude the year’s activities.
Pastor Laukei said he is very grateful for the efforts of the leaders and church members in sharing the Bible Discovery Reading program with the community. He also thanked the leaders for organising the special program and liaising with the community to use the school grounds for the event.