Feel the inspiration (My church: Queenstown)

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“Queenstown—Feel the Inspiration.” Listed as #1 on Trip Advisor’s top 10 destinations to visit in New Zealand, it is no surprise that Queenstown is home to an eclectic mix of cultures from all over the world. Known for its beautiful lake, adventurous activities and remarkable mountains, it’s no wonder the current campaign slogan for Queenstown is “Feel the Inspiration”.

While people travel from all over the world to visit the inspiring landscape of Queenstown, it is also home to one of our smallest church companies within the South New Zealand Conference. Our church in Queenstown reflects this mix of cultures with people coming from various ethnic backgrounds such as South Africa, Zimbabwe, Brazil and Vanuatu.

The Queenstown company is refreshing, friendly and inspiring. While there are only around 10 members on the roll, each Sabbath the church is flooded with visitors from all over the world. Some Sabbaths there can be up to 40 visitors in attendance!

Church member Kim Theron comments that, “It always impresses me how Queenstown travellers make the effort to find us and join our worship service over the option of sightseeing on their vacation. These visitors are a blessing from God to us and make each Queenstown Sabbath unique.” It’s beautiful to know that when you are on holiday all over the world, you are still able to worship with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Each week, the church members meet for a Bible study in their homes. This follows the first century church’s example in Acts 2:42-47, recognising that being a part of a church family is more than just meeting once a week in a church building. It is this regular fellowship that is seeing the fruit of the Holy Spirit moving within the Queenstown community.

As Andrea Roebeck explained: “We have seen the work of the Holy Spirit in our Bible study group. A number of Christians from other denominations attend this weekly group and I believe He is moving them. I see this in their ongoing interest and desire to know more, even though it conflicts with their long-held beliefs.”

Graham Roebeck agrees: “Where we see the Lord moving the most is in our Bible study/prayer meetings, where we have some people from other churches coming along to get Bible truth and their questions answered, seeing the Holy Spirit lead us in our meetings and impress upon them for days the things we studied.”

This is a testament to the power and necessity of being a part of a community that fellowships together within their own homes throughout the week. We ask you to pray for those who visit these Bible study groups each week.

Our church in Queenstown is always open and hoping for new visitors. Don’t let the fact that you are on holiday stop you from worshipping and fellowshipping with brothers and sisters in Christ. We meet regularly at Kingsview Christian School, 14 Yewlett Crescent, Queenstown. Currently we meet every week at 10am for a hot drink and social time before beginning with Sabbath School at 10.30am. You are all invited to join us for a potluck lunch every week after the main service. Please join us in one of the most beautiful locations of New Zealand as we are inspired and worship our God together.

Jonathon Gillard is associate pastor at Invercargill, Wicklow St, Queenstown, Clinton and Gore churches, and chaplain at Southlands Adventist School.

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