Live chat ‘first’ for new Bible website

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A new online resource for people looking to study the Bible was launched last week by Adventist Media.

The website provides biblically based answers to questions people have on a variety of topics, including pain, guilt, disaster and death.

“It’s designed for people who are not necessarily interested in doing a lengthy Bible course,” said Hope Channel Discovery Centre director, Pastor Wayne Boehm.

“It’s a place where they can look at some questions and be challenged to go and do something with that new knowledge.”

People have the option of having a live chat with one of the Bible school coaches, watching a full-length video and linking to an online course.

“It’s the first initiative of its kind where we have had live chat capability,” Pastor Boehm said. “People can also email their friends straight off the website so it’s more interactive.

“We have had feedback from Victorian churches that have been using it and they have found it helpful for their small groups and some of their new contacts.”

The Hope Channel Discovery Centre offers 16 different courses on lifestyle, personal growth and Bible-related topics. Bible schools operate in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Fiji. The Australian office currently serves more than 20,000 people.

Go to for more information.

Picture of Tracey Bridcutt

Tracey Bridcutt

Communication director, South Pacific Division
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