Generous gift helps island school

The gifted bus arrives in Rarotonga.

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Papaaroa Adventist School on Rarotonga, Cook Islands, recently received the gift of a school bus from Mountain View Adventist College in Sydney.

Students travelling from the other side of the island had been paying hefty bus fares to travel to school. This had discouraged parents from sending their children to Papaaroa. Papaaroa principal Harry Neale contacted the Cook Islands Seventh-day Adventist community in Sydney to see if they could assist in paying the freight costs of transporting the bus. Numerous individuals and the community donated and fundraised to buy a 40-foot shipping container, which will be kept as storage from for the school. The bus was thoroughly checked, serviced and painted before being shipped with other school resources.

“A big thank you goes to [Greater Sydney Conference president] Pastor Michael Worker, his committee, the Mountain View School board, principal, staff and students, and the Sydney Cook Island community, for all of your hard work to ensure the bus and the extra resources arrived here,” said Pastor Eliu Eliu, president of the Cook Islands Mission. “We here on Rarotonga praise God for His leading and for the many blessings for our students and school family.”

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