Church workers from around Fiji gathered at the Fulton College campus in Sabeto, Nadi for their Fiji Mission church workers retreat (February 2 to 5, 2017).
Based on the theme, ‘In His Hands,’ the main speaker, as well as the other guest speakers, addressed work related challenges and opportunities to help attendees prepare for in the year 2017.
The workers present included 65 ministers, 103 teachers from 11 primary and two high schools, 16 literature evangelists, 40 from the Mission head office and seven invited guests—Gillian Knight, Human Resources coordinator at the North New South Wales Conference; Alvin Schick, Chaplaincy coordinator at the North New South Wales Conference; Mrs Fulori Bola, former lecturer, Pacific Adventist University; Mr Bev Norman, Trans-Pacific Union Mission Education Director; Mr Ponipate Tiko, Permanent Secretary for Education and the main speaker for the lotu (worship) sessions Pastor Jean-Noel Adeline, Mission to our communities leader, New Zealand Pacific Union Conference.
“It was a time of feasting from God’s word and the meetings soaked with prayers and prayers requests,” reports Tomasi Qiodaukata, communication director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fiji.
Friends and colleagues spent time to reminisce together and reflect on the messages.
Shalmani, a non-Adventist, in his testimony said he felt a sense of tranquility during his stay. The climax of the meeting came through the straight testimony from the Word by Pastor Jean Noel Adeline. He expounded from the word of God and challenged the workers on the importance of God’s holiness.

“God’s grace when presented without His holiness in the message one presents then becomes a distorted gospel,” said Pastor Adeline. “The church should be balanced in upholding both as of equal value, His grace and His holiness.”
His sessions were a time of heart searching, revival, renewal and recommitment.
Pastor Luke Narabe represented the workers to convey the vote of thanks to Pastor Adeline.
In his vote of thanks, Pastor Narabe thanked God for having Pastor Adeline available to speak. The dates for the retreat and a conference camp in New Zealand had clashed, however, Pastor Narabe said he was God sent.
The retreat concluded at 6pm on Sunday at the cafeteria with a banquet dinner. Many attendees left for their various destinations straight after their meal.
Everyone left the campus filled and empowered for another year of service—2017.