We’ve all driven faster than the sign says, whether we know it or not.
Tag: Law
When we become too fixated on the law, we can miss the calling and leading of God in our lives.
According to Olivia Fairfax, pride and self-deprecation are not as dissimilar as one might originally think . . .
In God's courtroom, Satan is the prosecutor and we are the accused. But we have a lawyer . . . and, as Lesleigh Bower writes, He is "no ordinary lawyer". (Fundamental Belief #24)
Churches around the Pacific now have access to copyright compliance information after the South Pacific Division updated the copyright information on its website.
We would expect some profound material to fill the “holy space”—those three chapters in Exodus 21–23—between the giving of the Ten Commandments and the instructions for construction of the Sanctuary. We do, but perhaps profound in ways we might not have expected.
I have come to the realisation that I have been breaking the most important commandment in the Bible. Which commandment have I been breaking? This one—"A new commandment I give you: Love one another . . ."
Why the Church cannot stay silent on the political and social issues of today.