Humanity needs a solution to end violence permanently . . . Thankfully, we’re provided this solution in the person of Jesus.
Category: Faith
Research has shown that Adventist education does make a difference in the retention of church affiliation for our young people.
When we think of the disciples entering the upper room, in Jerusalem, we don’t usually give it much thought, except for the fact that this is the place where the Holy Spirit came down in great power upon the praying disciples. But could it be that there’s a mystery to the upper room we have missed?
Just like in gardening, some seeds we plant in life take time to grow.
Joseph Nopei was convinced by the biblical Sabbath and decided to be baptised in the Adventist Church along with his wife.
The journey, which began on May 22, has not been without its challenges, however the cyclists have been buoyed by positive encounters and faith-sharing experiences along the way.
What does the Bible have to say about winter?
We are all invited to share our blessings and to watch how God can
use them for His purposes.