Welcome to the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference. Our region has the smallest membership of any union in this Division but covers the largest territory, most of which is ocean. From New Zealand in the west to Pitcairn Island in the east, from the small islands of Wallis and Futuna in the north to Stewart Island in the south. There are six countries in our Union, three of which use French as their official language (that’s one-third of all our members).
The two currencies used in our Union are the New Zealand Dollar and the Pacific French Franc. While the New Zealand Dollar has remained relatively stable, the Pacific French Franc has declined in value in recent years meaning there is less tithe and offerings able to be shared with other parts of the world Church.
Both the British and French legal systems are used by countries in our Union, which can pose some interesting challenges when dealing with the “laws of the land” of each country.

The total population in our region is approximately 5,300,000, of which just over 20,000 are Seventh-day Adventists.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is the seventh largest denomination in New Zealand and 1 in every 367 people is Seventh-day Adventist. In Wallis and Futuna however, a predominately Catholic country, only 1 in every 738 people is Seventh-day Adventist. Pitcairn Island, arguably the remotest Seventh-day Adventist church in the world, has 1 Seventh-day Adventist for every 3 people. Wouldn’t it be great if every country could boast such a ratio! Sadly, for every 2 members who join the Church, 1 member leaves.
Our main strategic goal of making every member a disciple is an exciting one. We can do this through our members, churches, schools, retirement villages, television and radio. I believe this will lead more of the population coming to know and accept Jesus Christ and less of our members deciding to leave the Church.